
Future Performances

Looking ahead to 2014/2015

12th & 13th July – CYDC will be performing a new work by Joseph Toonga at this years Dance Days Festival. (See CYDC @ Dance Days 2014 for more information)

28th August- We will be restaging our all male piece alongside National Youth Dance Wales (NYDW) at Sherman Cymru. (Click here for show and ticket details)

Further dates TBA.


CYDC @ Dance Days 2014

For Dance Days 2014, CYDC are thrilled to be working with emerging choreographer Joseph Toonga, Artistic Director of Just Us Dance Theatre. Joseph, a graduate from London Contemporary Dance School, formed his company in 2007. His interests stem from the fusion of hip hop and contemporary dance styles and how dancers can manipulate their movement to achieve an embodiment of both styles and how this “collaborative form can inter connect and disconnect without neglecting the importance of context and cultures.” In 2011 he was awarded the Blueprint bursary supported by East London Dance and Sadlers Wells and in 2013 received Arts Council funding as well as becoming a resident artist at Greenwich Dance. He is also the recipient of the Deutsche Bank Creative Award and the production award at the International Competition for choreographers in Hanover.

For more information on our performances and the many other artists and companies that are set to perform visit Dance Days 2014 Schedule

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