GCSE & A Level Dance


County Youth Dance Company are very excited to be launching two new courses. From September 2016 students will be able to study GCSE and A Level Dance with us. This is being made possible thanks to our partnership with Bishop Gore School, who have kindly agreed to host the courses.

The GCSE Dance course is a two year course designed for students Year 9 and above, the A Level course, also two years, is open to those in Year 11 and above. The courses are for those wishing to study dance in depth, giving students experience and opportunities to develop their skills in performance, choreography and appreciation. They will also be involved in working with CYDC which will give all students numerous opportunities to work with professional teachers and choreographers and to take part in many performance projects throughout the year.

The courses are delivered over a 10 week term involving weekly classes of 4.5 hours.

Students will also benefit from:

  • Additional sessions with visiting artists;
  • Watching various dance companies in performance – live and recorded;
  • Theatre trips;
  • Half term holiday workshops and rehearsals.

Students and parents are invited to come to an introductory session to discuss the course and the commitments before enrolment. Both courses are to be offered as a twilight option – meaning that if students opt to study with us it will be in addition to or alongside their current GCSE/A Level courses, without making a significant impact to their daytime studies.

If you think this might be the course for you or for someone you know please get in touch with either Julie Hobday (Julie@cydc.co.uk)  or Luke Ganz (Luke@cydc.co.uk) for more information on the courses and details on costs and enrolment which will take place late August/early September 2016.

County Youth Dance Company

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